Battle of Valdevez

The Battle of Valdevez took place on the banks of the river Vez in present-day Arcos de Valdevez, between the armies of cousins King Alfonso Raimundez (Alfonso VII) of León and Castile and King Afonso Henriques of Portugal. After his victory at the Battle of Ourique in 1139, Afonso Henriques broke the peace established by the treaty of Tui by invading Galicia and conquering castles under the protection of King Alfonso VII. In response, Alfonso entered Portugal with a massive army and devastated settlements and strongholds on his way into the valley of the river Vez.

According to the Portuguese Chronica Gothorum, the battle took place on January 1, 1140. The two armies met and skirmished, with the Portuguese taking some notable captives. King Alfonso, seeing that the stars and God were aligned with the Portuguese, called for a meeting with his cousin to sign a lasting peace. At that meeting, in a tent, the two cousins “kissed, ate and drank wine, talked in secret, and agreed to peace.”